No one is perfect or flawless. Because we all make mistakes, we are prone to doing things that might well get us into trouble. Driving under the influence is one of those things. Many people who are arrested for drunk driving didn’t even know they were drunk at the time, having had only a few drinks. Others have had repeated difficulty with DUI. Whatever the case may be, such mistakes need to be dealt with in a spirit of compassion and understanding, which is something a DUI defense lawyer understands fully.
A professional wrestler, raised in Pittsburgh, had a humble childhood, but became an Olympic gold medalist and an international star. He has also struggled with alcohol and drug abuse all his life. Recently, he has been telling the story of his fight to overcome addiction.
In the 1996 Olympic Games, the wrestler suffered a broken neck — yet still won the gold medal. That was only the first time his neck was broken, however. The second broken neck, during his professional wrestling career, was the one that got him started on the road to addiction, starting with painkillers.
After painkillers came morphine, Xanax, and alcohol. The wrestler spent seven years on all three of those drugs, risking his life.
He also said after winning his gold medal, nothing else was ever good enough, including his family or his multimillion dollar wrestling career. Nothing could feel as good as winning the gold medal. Though he didn’t feel like he had a problem, his life was getting out of control, resulting in several visits to a courtroom and multiple problems with DUI or reckless driving.
It took time in jail to get him to realize where he had gone wrong, he told the media.
Today, the wrestler says he has been clean and sober for more than a year and he is devoted to his family more than ever now.
The best DUI defense lawyer is one who has the experience to understand what you’re going through. You’ll find that lawyer at the office of Steven Kellis. Call us today for a free consultation and we’ll handle your case with the skill and discretion you deserve.