When someone is accused of a crime, they are innocent until proven guilty. In some cases though, the situation seems hopeless. But it is still the right of the accused to have a lawyer to defend him. All sides of the story should be herd in the court of law and everything should be considered. This is why having an experienced lawyer is so important.
A man drove his truck into oncoming traffic on April 26th, 2013, where he stuck and killed a young motorcyclist. When police arrived, they were told by the drive that he had not seen the motorcycle. The man admitted to having a few beers, but police say he smelled of alcohol, had bloodshot eyes, and his speech was very slurred. The man was then given a breathalyzer test that showed he was over the legal limit.
The driver of the truck has faced several previous DUIs, five of which he has plead guilty to, the first conviction dating back to 1981. As of this month, the driver has been sentenced to a minimum of eight years in prison, with his maximum sentence being seventeen years.
Everyone has the right to a lawyer when the are facing a DUI conviction. The Law Offices of Steven E. Kellis is highly experienced in supplying the best defense for DUI cases. Contact us now to receive you free case evaluation and get your life back on track.
When someone is accused of a crime, they are innocent until proven guilty. In some cases though, the situation seems hopeless. But it is still the right of the accused to have a lawyer to defend him. All sides of the story should be herd in the court of law and everything should be considered. This is why having an experienced lawyer is so important.
A man drove his truck into oncoming traffic on April 26th, 2013, where he stuck and killed a young motorcyclist. When police arrived, they were told by the drive that he had not seen the motorcycle. The man admitted to having a few beers, but police say he smelled of alcohol, had bloodshot eyes, and his speech was very slurred. The man was then given a breathalizer test that showed he was over the legal limit.
The driver of the truck has faced several previous DUIs, five of which he has plead guilty to, the first conviction dating back to 1981.
As of this month, the driver has been sentenced to a minimum of eight years in prison, with his maximum sentence being seventeen years.
Everyone has the right to a lawyer when the are facing a DUI conviction. The Law Offices of Steven E. Kellis is highly experienced in supplying the best defense for DUI cases. Contact us now to receive you free case evaluation and get your life back on track.