A 10th DUI has sent a man to prison on Tuesday. According to authorities, the 59-year-old man has had cases that date back as far as 1976. The district attorney’s office said that Allegheny County Judge Kelly Bigley ordered Charles Ninness, 59, of the Bluff neighborhood in Pittsburgh to a sentence of 3 to 6 years. “based in part on being a repeat felon for the cases dating back to 1976 and for the current case being a third offense, since it was the third case in the past 10 years.”
Ninness was also sentenced to serve an additional six months to one year sentence consecutively for probation violations from his last DUI case where he was pulled over by an East Deer Township officer at approximately 1:00 a.m. on July 20th.
The district attorney’s office said that Ninness pleaded guilty in December to DUI and driving on a suspended license.
No one should ever get behind the wheel and drive while under the influence of alcohol, but everyone makes mistakes. However, sometimes those mistakes are repeated too often for the law to ignore. The law has gotten tougher on drunken drivers. Having a good, solid defense lawyer who will fight on your side is imperative.
If you or a loved one has been charged with DUI or DWI, give the offices of Steven Kellis a call. Mr. Kellis is experienced on both sides of both the prosecution and defense of DUI cases, so he knows the law. Call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to make an appointment to meet with Steven Kellis and discuss your case – even if you are in jail. He will come to you. Use our toll free number or the contact form on our website.