Be Careful During Winter Storms

download (27)DUI checkpoints aren’t liked by anyone, but they do help to keep people safe. Many municipalities put one out when a major storm is coming. Even low amounts of alcohol can make it very hard to steer correctly on icy surfaces.

Combine a snow storm with the Super Bowl and you have a recipe for even more drunkenness on the road. Many people go out to bars and restaurants to watch the big game, but could drink too much. The last thing you want to tell your significant other before Valentine’s Day is that you have to pay for DUI ticket, go to traffic school, and go to court.

The penalties for DUI can be quite significant and reach farther than you might think. Two of the big hidden penalties are an increase in your insurance premiums and dealing with a suspended license. Driving with a suspended license puts a huge target on your back, and an immediate retest for DUI, if you get pulled over for anything. Many people lose their jobs because they’re stuck between wanting to follow the law and the lack of available legal transportation.

Don’t let this happen to you! Call the law offices of Steven Kellis for a free consultation with a PA DUI lawyer about your Philadelphia DUI case. We have years of experience on both sides of DUI cases. We know the tricks and we can help you, but not unless you call us right away after your DUI arrest.